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  • Venture Capital Jobs & Tips To Break Into VC - 05

Venture Capital Jobs & Tips To Break Into VC - 05

Develop your opinion / thesis about the world - The most important skill....

Hi👋 VC Crafters, Welcome to today’s VC Crafters’s - Weekly Break Into VC Newsletter - To Get Tactical Advice To Learn, Implement & Craft Path To Venture Capital.

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Today’s Deep Dive

Develop Your Opinion / Thesis About The World: The Most Important Skill That Every VC Job Seeker Should Have…

To find a job in VC you will need to find ways to let the firms you're 'applying to' answer the following question positively: “Is this person going to help us to invest in companies that we otherwise would not have invested in without her/him?”

How to do this in a way that is unique to you?

Watch this video from 2010.

The two folks being interviewed are Fred Wilson & John Doerr, two of the most legendary Venture Capitalists from the US. You'll notice two things about them:

  • they have incredibly clear opinions, about everything

  • they are sometimes wrong

And that's exactly what makes them amazing VCs.

In the same way their well-thought-out opinions sometimes end up being wrong, they sometimes end up being very right. And in VC being right once will make up for being wrong 100 times.

Fundamentally, the role of a VC is to decide where to put money. To do that, you'll need to have or develop clear and strong opinions about the world, and at the same time adopt the mind of a learner, accepting that you're wrong most of the time.

Starting to develop your well-thought-out, clear and interesting views of the world today will help you stand out amongst the other 1,000 individuals looking for the same thing as you (a job in VC).

Having clear opinions is easier than you think, because there is a ton of data out there to help you with it. Additionally, you're betting on the future, not the present. This means that - in the short-term - nothing you'll come up with as your 'view on the world' will be right or wrong. It will just be you. So, let's get to work!

One of the most important things for a VC is their investment thesis. Defined as "the strategy by which a Venture Capital professional (or fund) makes money for the fund investors", your thesis will be a guideline / set of principles that will drive your decisions as an investor.

While many investors see their thesis as the 'group of industries or categories they are interested in', it doesn't need to be limited to that. Many VCs have theses about the types of founders they look for and their personalities, the types of business models they like or the geographies they believe are undervalued by other VCs. Having your own thesis (written or very clearly expressed verbally when questioned) can increase your chances of breaking into VC significantly.

đź““ Read these well-articulated investment theses

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 Write your own personal thesis

You may never end up sending it to anyone as a written file, but I found that writing down your thesis is a fantastic exercise that forces you to dig much deeper into "why you love tech".

What would you be like as an investor? If you wanted to put money to work, how would you do it and why?

I suggest taking days to do it. Keep updating it every time you get new ideas and you come to new visions of the world as you master the following hacks. The format doesn't matter. It could be on Google Docs, on Notion, on your laptop's notes, handwritten in your diary or anywhere you want. What matters is that you make a conscious effort about it.

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Today’s Venture Capital Jobs & Internship

  • Operating Associate - Greycroft | NY - Apply Here

  • Venture Investor - Galaxy | NY - Apply Here

  • Accelerator Manager - Road 2 | Israel - Apply Here

  • Summer VC Analyst - RBC Capital Partners | Canada - Apply Here

  • Venture Capital Internship - b1ventures | Germany - Apply Here

  • Summer Associate - In-Q-Tel | USA - Apply Here

  • Venture Partner - Erez | USA - Apply Here

  • VC Analyst - Fundamental VC | Germany - Apply Here

→ Get Access to Curated VC CV/Resume Template - Download Here.

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Weekdays Reading On Venture Capital

  • AI and Everything Else By Benedict Evans Read Here (Tech & AI)

  • Don't Send All 'Your Data To Investors' Too Early In The Process, Why? Read Here (Startup Fundraising)

  • What Does It Take To Implement 'Do Things That Don’t Scale' For Your Startup? Read Here (Startups)

  • Michael Seibel On How To Pick The Right Problem To Solve! Read Here (Startups)

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