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Venture Capital Jobs & Tips To Break Into VC - 03

Do I Need To Have Expertise In A Specific Sectors To Break Into VC? | VC Jobs

Hi👋 VC Crafters, Welcome to today’s VC Crafters’s - weekly newsletter (Published on Sunday) but thoughts to share some info with you - the most common question I received from every other VC Enthusiast.

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Do I Need To Have Expertise In A Specific Sectors To Break Into VC?

I can't answer this question in simply "yes" or "no" format!

Let me deep down into this - considering two scenarios👇

Source: Google Images

Suppose you have expertise in AI (Everyone's Favorite) - (Let me be clear about Expertise word - it means you have enough knowledge/ you understand how tech works very well / you have an idea - of what the AI future looks like / you understand trends very well) - (you can be freshman having degree or education in AI / worked experience in AI startups, especially on the tech side) and now you are looking to break into VC.... Do you think - VC will prefer you for the role? (VC investment thesis is focused on AI / deep tech startups) - I can surely say - they will prefer you over all the candidates over another candidate who is more generalist...

still, you have to compete with other guys who have some expertise in AI... but you have overcome other candidates.... if you know - VC reviewed more application from generalist candidate like open for all sectors - to learn and adapt to deep dive into particular sector...

Does this mean - that a generalist candidate can't break into VC - without any expertise.... it doesn't mean that - a generalist Candidate can also break into VC - most VCs prefer that - but why?

- because they are willing to deep dive and learn about any sector they get..... even when I was working with one of the VCs - one of my colleagues joined a VC firm as a generalist (non-tech background) and started working on the climate tech industry - within a couple of months -

he builds the great understanding of climate tech sector - technology (from the core) - now he is leading climate tech part in that VC firm - there are lots of case like this - as a generalist candidate (who don't know what's his sector) - go for the generalist VC...

My Suggestions:But if you are a generalist (don't know his sector) - I must recommend building a great understanding of a sector that you are passionate about - deep diving into - and understanding each and every part of it - tech/non-tech - business part - talk to some experts (who've been in the industry from a long time - you can easily find on LinkedIn) - reach out to them - ask them some of the great questions to learn/get your deep understanding - this will make your profile stronger as - even for generalist VC - look for a candidate who's a great understanding of a sector and who can lead that one part/sector in their VC firm.....

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Today’s Venture Capital Jobs & Internship

  • VC Analyst - Jump Start Health Investors | USA - Apply Here

  • VC Analyst - Super-seed Venture | UK - Apply Here

  • Investment Associate - Fifth Down Capital | USA - Apply Here

  • VC Fellowship - Global Remote Opportunity……. Join our VC Enthusiast community for more job opportunities..

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That’s it for today!

✍️Written By Sahil | Join VC Crafter Community